Tuesday, May 11, 2010

OMG, I'm a Scanner

I was wandering through a discount bookstore this last weekend with my husband, an activity we both love but don't do often due to the financial ramifications - I LOVE BOOKS- and I came across a catchy title:  "Refuse To Choose, Use All of Your Interests, Passions and Hobbies to Create the Life and Career of Your Dreams".  I thought, "O.K., I'll bite. It's only five bucks".  I got it home and started reading it and, Wow, it is one of those books that for me is life changing. 

In addition to moving a lot, I have had more careers than anyone I know.  I have had and continue to have more interests and hobbies than any 5 people I know.  I have been a doctor, a yoga instructor, a marine biologist, a florist, a massage therapist, a life coach, an entrepreneur, a scuba divemaster, a model, a chemistry lab tech, a carhop and a car mechanic.  And this is the short list of interests I've actually been paid to do.  I won't even go into all my hobbies.  So to see a book that promises a way to make heads or tails of all these interests and a way to condense them all into a singular career? Hell ya, I'll look.

It did not disappoint.  I blew through it in 2 days hungrily absorbing the information and happily doing the insightful exercises.  Now the work begins.  The author, Barbara Sher, introduced a new way of thinking and acting.  A new label, Scanner, for an old style of being, The Renaissance Person. A way that has greater promise for a multi-interest, multi-talented brain like mine than the usual Specialist mentality we are taught in our current society.  Ms. Sher introduced me to a new way of being but it is up to me to integrate it into my life let go of my past baggage and make it work for me. 

There are a number of different types of Scanners and the author lists them out along with their common attributes, lifestyle types, tools for success in life and career options. Guess what careers she suggested for my type?  Writer and motivational speaker.  Sweet!  I'm already on my way.

Book info:  Refuse to Choose!  by Barbara Sher

Neti Pot!

I love my Neti Pot!  Since I started using this odd yet wonderful tool 5 months ago I have not been sick nor have I been riddled with my usual allergies.  Just 6 months ago I was diagnosed with severe chronic sinusitis and therefore condemned to daily steroids up the nose and allergy shots. Along with medication recommendations my doc suggested I try the Neti Pot.  As a longtime yoga practitioner, I had heard of the Neti Pot but I thought it was odd and kinda nasty sounding.  But proof is in the pudding as they say and now I can't say enough wonderful things about this very simple, totally natural and inexpensive treatment.

I got the simple blue Neilmed Neti Pot from Rite Aid along with the premixed salt packets.  It looks goofy but to me it is gold.  I use it every morning and after contact with my particular allergens (e.g. dusting, gardening, vacuuming)  I no longer have to carry tissues around with me everywhere and I haven't had a sinus headache in months.  YAY!  Hooray for the Neti Pot! 

Any questions?  Don't hesitate to ask me.  I love sharing info on products that work!  And no I am not in any way affiliated with Neilmed or Rite Aid.  I'm sure any Neti Pot from any souce would work just as well.  If you suffer from sinus problems do yourself a favor and give nasal irrigation a try.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Spirit?

I have had an unusual week. I normally live in a very upbeat and positive reality. I work very hard to maintain this perspective but this past week has been chock full of negativism. What has happened to our society? When did the spirit of giving become "how much stuff can I get"? How did we come to a place where the holidays are so stressful we feel we must avoid the relatives just so we can relax? What happened to our families that they have now become the burden we must bear instead of the joy of our existence?

I haven't the answers to these questions but I know in an hour or two, after some intense yoga and a nice long walk, all will be right again. Provided of course nobody else rips open one of my accidentally dropped Christmas cards to see if there is any money in it.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Joining Frenzy

I'm not sure how this happens but it seems like once I commit to one event/cause/group 5 others pop up that sound just perfect too.  This last week is a prime case.  I started this new blog to keep me writing.  Then an opportunity to write a wellness column came up, I jumped on that.  Yesterday I realized it's almost November and therefore NaNoWriMo starts in 12 days.  NaNoWriMo is a contest that started in 1999, where you attempt to write a novel in 30 days.

I've wanted to do NaNoWriMo for the last 2 years but I've always talked myself out of it.  Well, in the spirit of joining things I signed up this morning and discovered they were having their first group meeting today.  What luck.  I got to spend a couple hours this afternoon with a fun-loving group of fellow writers.  Now I am committed to doing this thing.  I have now also posted my intention of doing this all over my personal section of the internet.  There's nothing quite as motivating as fear of public shaming.  Actually I am quite looking forward to the challenge and the change of pace.  I am so ready to reinvent my relationship to my writing by taking another step toward professional status.  Or in my case this last week, 3 steps.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I have had a number of blogs previously, each has run up against the wall of inactivity due to difficulty in maintaining interest in my chosen subject matter. I am hoping my broader topic will alleviate this affliction. I look forward to sharing my take while wandering in this vast world, of which to some I've seen a lot and to others I've barely seen any, and would love to hear your feedback and insights.

Yours in sun and sky.